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Topic: Immune Function

Immune function is the ability of the body's immune system to protect against infection, disease, and other health-related issues.

More on: Immune Function

The podcast episodes discuss the importance of immune function and how various factors, such as nitric oxide, light exposure, and the gut microbiome, can impact the immune system.

Specific examples include the role of nitric oxide in immune function (Episode 403: Simple Ways to Boost Nitric Oxide for Better Heart, Brain, and Immune Function | Nathan Bryan, PhD), the benefits of UVB light exposure for enhancing immune defenses (Episode: Using Light (Sunlight, Blue Light & Red Light) to Optimize Health), and the gut microbiome's influence on immune regulation and inflammation (Episode: Dr. Justin Sonnenburg: How to Build, Maintain & Repair Gut Health, Episode: How to Enhance Your Gut Microbiome for Brain & Overall Health).

Understanding the complex interplay between these factors and immune function can provide important insights into maintaining a robust and balanced immune system.

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