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Topic: Mental load

The mental load refers to the unseen emotional and cognitive labor required to manage household tasks, responsibilities, and the well-being of others, often disproportionately shouldered by women in relationships.

More on: Mental load

The podcast episodes provided explore the concept of 'mental load,' which describes the invisible cognitive and emotional effort required to manage various aspects of life, often disproportionately falling on women due to societal expectations and gender norms.

The episodes highlight the importance of communication, mutual understanding, and challenging traditional beliefs about parenting and gender roles to create a more balanced approach to managing the mental load in relationships and households.

For example, episode The 'Default Parent' Dilemma: Strategies for Shifting Dynamics discusses the concept of the 'default parent' and provides strategies for couples to make invisible labor visible and share the mental tasks of parenting. Episode The mental load in relationships also delves deeply into the reasons behind the mental load imbalance and offers suggestions for addressing it through communication and personal growth.

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