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Topic: Nature of God

The nature of God encompasses complex theological conceptions of the divine, ranging from divine transcendence to divine immanence.

More on: Nature of God

The podcast episodes explore different conceptions of the nature of God across various religious and theological perspectives.

For example, one episode discusses Jordan Peterson's understanding of God as the spirit of hierarchical harmony, voluntary self-sacrifice, and moral order as depicted in biblical narratives.

Another episode delves into the concept of God's omnipresence and how it differs from physical existence, drawing on the creator-creature distinction and the incarnation of Christ.

The episodes also examine ideas around the transcendence, immanence, and unknowability of God's essence, as well as the relationship between God, humanity, and the created world.

These discussions provide insights into the diverse ways in which the nature of God is conceived and understood across different religious and philosophical traditions.

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