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Topic: Neurotechnology

Neurotechnology is an emerging field that involves the development and application of technologies that interact with the human nervous system, including brain-computer interfaces, neural implants, and techniques for decoding neural signals.

More on: Neurotechnology

The podcast episodes provided focus on various aspects of neurotechnology, highlighting its potential to revolutionize how we interact with technology and treat neurological conditions.

For example, episode "Testing a Revolutionary Brain-Computer Implant" discusses the development of brain implants to help paralyzed patients control computers using their thoughts, while episode "Brain Hacks" explores the broader implications of neurotechnology for treating disorders and augmenting the human mind.

Episode #174 - Nita Farahany on the neurotechnology already being used to convict criminals and manipulate workers" and "Protecting Our Freedom of Thought with Nita Farahany" delve into the ethical concerns surrounding neurotechnology, such as privacy, cognitive liberty, and the responsible development of these technologies.

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