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Topic: Palestinian human rights

Palestinian human rights are systematically violated under Israeli occupation, including through displacement, violence, and the suppression of free speech and civil liberties.

More on: Palestinian human rights

The podcast episodes provided highlight the human rights abuses and oppressive policies faced by Palestinians under Israeli control, including restrictions on movement, discrimination, and denial of basic rights.

The episodes cover topics such as the 'system of domination' over Palestinians in the occupied West Bank Understanding Israel's "System of Domination", the personal accounts of a father whose son died due to the occupation's oppressive realities Democracy Now! 2024-05-27 Monday, and the crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism and free speech on US college campuses Democracy Now! 2024-05-22 Wednesday.

These episodes expose the systemic human rights violations, lack of civil liberties, and denial of Palestinian self-determination under the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime.

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