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Topic: Parables

Parables are short, simple stories used by Jesus to illustrate spiritual truths and moral lessons.

More on: Parables

The podcast episodes provided focus on various parables told by Jesus, which were used to illustrate important theological concepts and principles for Christian living.

For example, the episode 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Like...' covers two parables that demonstrate the supreme value of the kingdom of heaven and the need to pursue it wholeheartedly. The episode 'The Prodigal Son' examines the parable of the prodigal son, highlighting themes of God's grace, salvation, repentance, and self-righteousness.

Other episodes delve into parables such as the 'The Ten Virgins', 'The Unforgiving Servant', and 'The Rich Fool', each exploring the deeper meaning and application of these stories told by Jesus.

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