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Topic: Preventative care

Preventative care involves regular check-ups and screenings to identify and address health issues early, improving overall well-being and reducing the risk of more serious conditions.

More on: Preventative care

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate the importance of preventative care across various domains, including mental health, reproductive health, and cognitive decline.

In the episode 'Should Everyone Consider Therapy to Be Happier?', the discussion focuses on the preventative aspect of therapy, highlighting how seeking guidance before issues become crises can help individuals achieve happiness and find meaning in their lives.

Similarly, the episode 'Take charge of your gyno visit' emphasizes the role of regular gynecological visits in preventative care, particularly for issues like cervical cancer.

The episode 'Stop dementia before it starts' delves into preventative lifestyle measures, such as diet, exercise, and social engagement, that can significantly delay the onset of cognitive decline and dementia.

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