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Topic: Psychological wellbeing

Psychological wellbeing encompasses the holistic state of an individual's mental, emotional, and social health, promoting personal growth, resilience, and a sense of purpose.

More on: Psychological wellbeing

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to psychological wellbeing, including strategies for improving self-awareness, emotion regulation, and overall life satisfaction.

For example, the episode 'Tom Bilyeu & His Wife EXPOSE Red Pill, What Women Desire & How To Become Irresistible | Lisa Bilyeu PT 2' discusses the importance of aligning one's choices with personal fulfillment, while '189. 5 ways to stop comparing yourself to others' explores techniques for managing unhealthy social comparison.

Other episodes delve into the benefits of breathing practices for stress reduction ('#435 BITESIZE | Reduce Stress and Anxiety With These Powerful Breathing Practices | Dr Nicole Le Pera'), the neurological basis of happiness ('The (real) Secret to Happiness: Attachment, Craving, and Enjoying Life'), and the importance of emotional agility ('Overcoming toxic positivity with Susan David').

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