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Topic: Racism

Racism is a system of beliefs and behaviors that promotes the superiority of one race over others, leading to discrimination, oppression, and denial of equal rights and opportunities.

More on: Racism

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of racism, including overt discrimination, unconscious biases, and the deep-rooted historical and institutional factors that perpetuate racist ideologies and practices.

Examples include discussions of racist language and behavior in the sports and entertainment industries, the examination of racial themes in literature and media through the lens of privilege and identity, the critique of racist rhetoric and policies in the pronatalist movement and far-right political parties, and the investigation of the racist motivations and impacts behind historical events and institutions such as the Chagos Islands displacement, the eugenics movement, and the US Department of Defense and British Empire.

These episodes demonstrate how racism manifests in various domains, from personal interactions to systemic structures, and the need to confront and address it on multiple fronts.

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