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Topic: Social anxiety

Social anxiety is a persistent and irrational fear of social situations, often leading to avoidance, distress, and impaired functioning in daily life.

More on: Social anxiety

The podcast episodes provided focus on various aspects of social anxiety, exploring how it affects individuals in their daily lives and the strategies they use to manage it.

For example, in episode 507- The Social Reboot: Helping Tween and Teen Boys with ADHD Make Friends, the expert discusses how social executive function skills and social anxiety present in boys with ADHD and shares evidence-based strategies to help them connect with peers. In episode Tara Yummy Cries Over Jake Webber... Dropouts #207, the guest openly shares his struggles with social anxiety and the impact it has had on his ability to form close friendships and relationships.

Other episodes delve into personal experiences with social anxiety, such as My Shy Bladder, which explores the condition of paruresis (shy bladder syndrome) and its connection to social anxiety, and my nonexistent birthday party, i'm ranting again, where the host's fears of inconveniencing others or being disappointed reflect elements of social anxiety.

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