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Topic: Social psychology

Social psychology is the scientific study of how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.

More on: Social psychology

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics that fall under the broad field of social psychology, including research on rituals Michael Norton (on rituals), the psychology of loneliness and friendship #799 - David Robson - The Science Of Building Genuine Friendships, the impact of social dynamics in the workplace The problem with being "too nice" at work | Tessa West, the role of language and in-group identification They/Them, LatinX, Rigged: The history behind three words, the psychological factors in intergroup relations and prejudice From the Vault: The Minimal Group Paradigm, as well as the social psychology of phenomena like alien abduction claims The Alien Abduction Phenomenon of the Mid-20th Century.

These episodes demonstrate the wide applicability of social psychology principles in understanding human behavior, cognition, and interactions across various contexts, from personal relationships to cultural and political dynamics.

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