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Topic: Somatics

Somatics is a holistic approach that explores the mind-body connection and how embodied practices can shape personal and social transformation.

More on: Somatics

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on the concept of somatics, which refers to the practice of integrating the mind and body for the purposes of healing, personal growth, and social change.

In the first episode, therapist and author Prentis Hemphill discusses how we embody habits, beliefs, and trauma through physical practices over time, and how somatic work can facilitate collective healing and protect the authenticity of these practices rooted in different cultures. The meaning of embodiment w/ Prentis Hemphill

The second episode features Staci K. Haines exploring how integrating somatics and healing practices into social change work can help cultivate resilience, process stress, and respond from a place of vision. She also discusses transformative justice approaches that prioritize healing and restoration over punishment. Staci K. Haines: Somatics for trauma healing and transformative justice

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