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Topic: Stellar evolution

Stellar evolution is the process by which stars form, evolve, and eventually die, shedding or accreting matter and energy over their lifetimes.

More on: Stellar evolution

Stellar evolution is a key concept that underpins the podcast episodes provided, as it explains the formation and lifecycle of different types of stars, from their birth to their eventual death.

In the episode Ep. 5: Black Holes, the hosts discuss how black holes are formed from the collapse of massive stars at the end of their life cycle, highlighting the importance of understanding stellar evolution. Similarly, the episode Low-Mass Mania with Emily Rice touches on concepts related to stellar evolution, such as the fusion processes within stars and the distinction between different types of stars based on their mass and composition.

Understanding stellar evolution is crucial for comprehending the formation and evolution of celestial objects, from the smallest stars to the largest black holes, and is a fundamental topic in astrophysics.

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