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Topic: Wrongful convictions

Wrongful convictions occur when individuals are found guilty of crimes they did not commit, often due to flawed investigations, biased testimony, or systemic failures in the criminal justice system.

More on: Wrongful convictions

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on the issue of wrongful convictions, highlighting various cases where individuals were imprisoned for crimes they did not commit.

The episodes explore the factors that can contribute to wrongful convictions, such as police misconduct, prosecutorial overreach, unreliable forensic evidence, coerced confessions, and biased witness testimony. They also emphasize the significant personal and societal impact of these injustices, as well as the ongoing efforts to reform the criminal justice system and exonerate the wrongfully accused.

By providing concrete examples and personal narratives, the podcasts shed light on the critical need to address systemic issues that enable wrongful convictions and ensure a more equitable and just legal system.

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