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Topic: Advertising campaigns

Advertising campaigns are strategic marketing initiatives designed to promote products, services, or ideas and influence consumer behavior through various media channels.

More on: Advertising campaigns

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of advertising campaigns, from the effectiveness of different strategies to the impact of advertising on consumer behavior and brand loyalty.

For example, the episode 'Is the smartphone panic dumb?' explores the potential impact of social media and smartphone usage on teenagers' mental health, and how advertising campaigns could be used to address this issue. The episodes 'Ask Terry (2024)' and 'Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz: How Companies Double Their Profits' delve into the inner workings of the advertising industry, with insights and anecdotes from industry veteran Terry O'Reilly. The episode 'Gatorade Goes DTC' examines the strategies employed by sports drink brands, such as Gatorade's launch of a direct-to-consumer loyalty program, to gain a larger market share. Finally, the episode 'Die Another Day: Reviving Old Commercials' discusses the revival and reinvention of iconic advertising campaigns, showcasing the enduring appeal and influence of certain marketing efforts.

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