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Topic: Hormone regulation

Hormone regulation is the process of maintaining balance and optimal levels of hormones in the body, which is essential for overall health and well-being.

More on: Hormone regulation

The podcast episodes explore the importance of hormone regulation in overall health and longevity, with a focus on using natural methods, such as peptides, light therapy, and lifestyle changes, to optimize hormone balance.

For example, episode "How Peptides Enhance Healing and Longevity | Dr. Edwin Lee" discusses the role of peptides in regulating hormones like testosterone and growth hormone, which can impact aging and regenerative processes.

Similarly, episode "Dr. Josh Axe - Post Covid Health Protocols, Hormone Regulation, & Essential Supplements" covers strategies for regulating hormones like testosterone and thyroid function through lifestyle changes and supplements.

The episodes also touch on how hormone regulation is linked to other aspects of health, such as gut health, cognitive function, and sexual wellness.

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