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Topic: Trauma bonding

Trauma bonding is a psychological phenomenon where individuals become emotionally attached to their abusers, making it difficult to leave toxic relationships.

More on: Trauma bonding

The concept of trauma bonding is a central theme across the various podcast episodes provided.

In Recover your Power Pt 3, the discussion touches on trauma bonding as a tactic used by narcissistic abusers to keep their victims trapped in the relationship. All too Human: Nico's Struggle with Alcoholism also explores Nico's experience of trauma bonding with someone during treatment, which led to his relapse after leaving the facility.

The entire episode Trauma Bonding: What it is, How to Notice it, and Knowing When and How to Leave revolves around explaining the concept of trauma bonding - what it is, how it develops, its stages, signs, and how to break free from it. Similarly, 3 KEYS to Healing Your Heart: Break Free from TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS & Find LOVE and Dr. Ramani: 2 Signs You are Being Love Bombed & 8 Ways to Know If You are Dealing with a Narcissist also address the role of trauma bonding in keeping individuals stuck in toxic relationships.

Lastly, in S19 E7: (2/3) [Sarah] Run Girl Run, Sarah explains how, despite the abuse, she struggled to leave her ex-boyfriend Doug due to the phenomenon of trauma bonding, where intermittent acts of kindness created a strong emotional bond.

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