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Topic: Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is the process of addressing and managing disagreements and tensions between individuals or groups in a constructive and productive manner.

More on: Conflict resolution

The topic of conflict resolution is explored extensively across the podcast episodes, with many providing insights and strategies for navigating conflicts and disagreements in various contexts.

Several episodes highlight the importance of effective communication, active listening, and approaching conflicts with empathy and a willingness to understand different perspectives. For example, in The Sunday Story: On the Ground in Haiti, the episode explores the complexities of finding a sustainable solution to the crisis in Haiti, touching on issues of conflict resolution and addressing root causes.

Other episodes, such as 172: Worms in the Brain... and 341. Conflict resolution with friends and family - Head Noise, focus more on providing advice and techniques for resolving conflicts in personal relationships, whether between friends, family members, or partners.

Several episodes also explore conflict resolution in professional settings, such as Boss Talks: Episode 91 with James Phifer, which discusses strategies for resolving conflicts within communities, and 144. Communicating Through Conflict: How to Get Along with Anyone, which delves into the science of effective communication and its role in managing conflicts.

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